Federation News Network: Hello, Vice Admiral Stern. What's it like being #1 in Neo Fleet?
Stern: Well, I don't like it as much as I would have thought. After Admiral Sonar took an extended Leave of Abscence, I was rather unhappy. Of course, I took the job readily - I want his brainchild to be fine when he comes back.
FFN: What's your immediate goal for Neo?
Stern: Well, of course, we need to get it off the ground. I've gotten the Harbinger off the ground, and we're working on more. In a couple days it will be relaunched.
FFN: We're given to understand that you are in the habit of surprise inspections?
Stern: Well, nobody can really be sure when a Borg cube is going to attack. Even when a ship is on leave, it should be ready at all times to quickly withdraw its crew. Now, I don't actually withdraw the crew, but I do have my own method for testing.
FFN: Do the CO's under you object to this?
Stern: Actually, no. I'm very good about them not knowing. *laughs*
FFN: Are you planning on taking command of a ship?
Stern: I am planning on taking a ship, as soon as the Harbinger's crew grows. It's a little undermanned now. I'll likely dub it the USS Wolf 359.
FFN: That's an interesting name...what made you choose it?
Stern: Well, there's the USS Gettysburg, and the USS Shiloh, and other ones named after famous battles, so obviously the greatest battle of the last hundred years should have a mention, in honor of the men that died.
FFN: You were there, weren't you?
Stern: That's all the time I have, I'm afraid. Please leave, so I can get to my business.
FFN: Alright, thank you for your time.